Thursday, July 21

Rainbow Gift

Since beauty comes from God and He has a vast imagination, He's given us beautiful things, like little love notes that point back to the giver's heart (and that is key), all over the place.

I remember a time not too long ago when I was driving home from a little errand running and I took my favorite back road home. I was having a hard day, but it occurred to me suddenly that the day was lovely and I was missing it because I was too focused on my own problems, thus limiting my imagination from looking up at the sky. When I looked up, hanging in the sky was a beautiful sundog, a glowing rainbow in the mist of the clouds. It was brilliant and gorgeous...and all mine.

At first I reveled in it, grateful for God's surprise touch of beauty for the few who lift their eyes heavenward. Then I felt guilty for not sharing it with Mama, but in truth I didn't have time. I was close to home, but by the time I would have gotten home and gotten Mom up, it would have faded and she wouldn't get to see it anyway.

So I pulled over and just enjoyed the present and the Giver. It was a reminder that the world is full of God's beauty, even when there aren't rainbows dancing in the sky, and I had let my eyes close to it. All beauty comes from God and He gives it abundantly, sharing it with any who will look at His splendor.

Have you had a time like this? Maybe a rough, boring, or even restful day that was missing something, and God showed you a glimpse of His beautiful creation? As creative as He is, I imagine it could have looked more than a thousand different ways. What's your story?

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