Friday, April 13

Is Time Visual?

Think about it. We measure time. Clocks' seconds hands tick away, moving the minutes hand, slowly moving the hours hand. We can see the effects of time: flowers blooming, grass changing, children growing, buildings deterioriating. All these things happen over time. We use time in games; sometimes holding our breath as we watch the last seconds of a football or basketball (or volleyball :D) game.

Usually we might think of time as similar to wind. We can't see it, but we can see it happens. But have you ever been outside and it seemed like you could almost see the wind? Actually see it (almost). If we can measure it, if we can see it's effects, can we see it?

I'm not saying time really is visual. I don't know. But it's thinking about things in completely new ways that leads to fascinating discoveries previously thought not possible.

So what do you think? Could time actually be visual?