Saturday, January 27

Just a quick side note

What is it with college textbooks? First my music book, now my math book of all books. Why do they feel the need to put a picture of the statue of David in there? I suppose they want to share their "art", but no thanks. I don't want to see that. If I wanted to see a naked man, I think I'd get married. I feel doomed to have at least one picture of David every semester now. This is not a happy feeling. Last semester I gave David a square, white piece of thick paper. This semster I made him a barrel to be covered with. Granted, that's partly for humor, but honestly, I really do not want to see that picture.

Textbook writers, designers, and editors everywhere, Stop it!

Monday, January 15

An Awfully Big Adventure

*sigh* Another 16 week adventure is coming. One spring semester, comin’ right up!

How will this adventure play out? The last one went OK. It wasn’t always easy or fun, but I think I learned, both school material and other. Now I know the layout of the school, so that might make the first day a bit easier. I remember, my first day, I followed the map looking for my music class. The signs that occasionally hang from the ceiling were a little misleading; I passed the room twice in the next hallway before I realized where exactly I had missed my turn. That was slightly amusing (but at the same time I was concerned to get to my class on time). I soon discovered my music teacher reminded me of Doug. Similar voice, tall, slim. Kinda weird. Kinda made me miss Doug. I was really looking forward to RUF to start.

Heh, Dr. Phil is on the radio, telling people it’s okay to be nervous/concerned/etc. whatever about the unknown. “But it’s also okay to believe in yourself.” (or something like that)

I don’t know about concerned, but... anticipating would fit. I’m anticipating the new semester. I’ll have different classes, teachers, classrooms, books (one of them is a really ugly yellow and another feels like it weighs well over 5 pounds by itself), and different things expected of me. Some things that will stay the same are my class time schedule, RUF on Wednesdays, Church, staying home.

But what will it be like? Will I have good teachers? Will my homework bury me every day?(I really, really hope not) Who will I meet? Will I make any lasting friends? Or any friends at school? What will RUF be like? (refreshing? challenging? uncomfortable? a blast?) How will this semester cause me to grow? (academically? spiritually? in maturity?) Will I perhaps get a step closer to being ready to live in a dorm away from home? (if so, will I want to? would that be a wise choice? even if I can come home every weekend?)

So many questions. I don’t have the answers. I don’t have to. Deuteronomy 29:29 says, “The secret things belong to the Lord our God, but those things that are revealed belong to us and to our children forever, that we may do all the words of this law.” (New King James) I’m gonna start carrying that keychain. It’s a helpful verse. Wow, is that refreshing to read. Yep, definitely gonna start using that one again.

Have a blessed day!

Monday, January 8

Life in the little city.

Life... In the little city of Moore, life goes on. People get up and go to work, whether they like it or not, and do the best they can.
Life... In my house, life goes on.

I like it here. I really do. Life is complicated enough (sometimes too much), and mostly comfortable. School is out until the 22nd, which grants me a little more time to find my books for less cost and order them, as well as grants me time to relax, clean, play my guitar (a lovely gift that I really like), make pretty thank you cards and keep an unsaid resolution to not be terrible in sending those this year (I have that one every year), and take care of my room and other things that I have not done and have not been able to do for awhile. I even like my school. I have nothing against learning (it's usually the tests I don't like), and I'm somewhat excited about my nutrition class. I think (hope) it'll be interesting without making me feel horrible for every candy I eat and every vegitable that I don't eat with my meals.

Yet, even though I like the comfortable country and home of Oklahoma, I appreciate my family and friends and church family, this is the time of year I seem to find myself wishing I could be on a tropical island. Specifically, one of six. I want to go to Hawai`i.

I long for a quiet day, the sun is bright and warm, the breeze is soft and cool, the ocean sings to me, and the hammok I lay in gently rocks me.

You may have noticed the title of my blog. Yes, it's Hawaiian. I want to learn the language, the dance, to be in the culture, to explore, and be amazed at the diversity of God's creation. Some day, I hope it's in God's will, I want to go to Hawai`i.