Saturday, August 18

Reading Lists

This summer, I have read (including finishing books I'd previously started):

Another Chance to Love You
Black Beauty
Den of the White Fox
Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
Knights of the Old Republic: Vol 1 (comic book)
Knights of the Old Republic: Vol 2 (comic book)
Origin (graphic novel/comic book)
Robin Hood
The Shepherd's Voice
Sisterchicks do the Hula
Ties that Bind, Ties that Break

I am currently reading: All-American Girl by Meg Cabot

What was your reading list this summer? What books do you still want to read?

~This is just something I'm posting for fun. Earlier I mentioned I was reading 5 novels this summer in my post "I love summer." Now that summer is 'over' (school starts on Monday), it's time to post the list. Please still look at the previous post "How would you like your change?" It is something that is important to me. I would appreciate thoughts and comments on it.~

Monday, August 13

How would you like your change?

Life is full of change. You can't stop it. Some change is wonderful, some change is bad, some is inbetween.

I've been thinking about some major changes lately. It occurred to me that I could finish an associates degree and be going to a four year university this time next year. With the places I'm looking at, that would most definately mean a big change of living location for me. Weird, huh?

That's not the only change I've been thinking about. This semester I'll have a friend on campus, yes, for the first time really; I'm hoping to have two friends on campus next semester, even better if we had a class together. My small group Bible study is changing. We're dividing the group, in essence. It will really be a small, small group. We'll have a new leader, too. This change will likely be very good, but that doesn't mean it's easy.

Change is all around me right now. Sometimes I'm sad, other times I don't know where to fit in. It's all really strange for me. Change is a part of growing.. but even growing, a very good thing, has growing pains sometimes.

Where have you noticed your life changing? Where do you see it going? Are we in the same picture, or do we travel different paths that distance us?
Are you having as hard of a time with change as I am? (Even though it is extremely exciting at times, I admit.)