Wednesday, July 6


So, I would still rather hide than write a post today. I guess I'm learning as I write by forcing myself to practice what I know. I just wish I knew what would be best for you to hear right now. As that is outside of my realm of control, you (and I) are stuck with my random thought of the day.

Can you take a compliment? I'm not often very good at it. I'm not even sure why, because sometimes I can agree with the kind thought expressed. I like to play guitar because I like the way it feels and the way it sounds. When someone tells me I played nicely, I can maybe say thanks. When I cook food, I hope to enjoy it as much as I hope others do, so when I'm told it's tasty, I can say I'm glad.

But when I'm told I'm pretty or "elegant" or something along those lines, there is something in me that I suppose becomes embarrassed. Maybe it's because I have done nothing to make myself "elegant" (adding makeup, while it can be done well, does not count in my mind toward this, especially when I haven't put on makeup and I still hear the compliment).

Strangely, sometimes I can agree that I look nice, so it's easier to accept notice of it. But when I don't think I look nice in that moment, everything's out the window and I have a hard time accepting that someone else thinks I look good. Why is this? I like to hear nice things about myself, but I don't always know how to believe them. Have you ever faced this conundrum? It's only been recently, since I've been understanding and accepting that God sees me as beautiful (all the time), that I can think I'm pretty more regularly or accept compliments from others more often.

My outward appearance hasn't changed, but my heart toward God and my understanding of His viewpoint has.

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