Monday, January 8

Life in the little city.

Life... In the little city of Moore, life goes on. People get up and go to work, whether they like it or not, and do the best they can.
Life... In my house, life goes on.

I like it here. I really do. Life is complicated enough (sometimes too much), and mostly comfortable. School is out until the 22nd, which grants me a little more time to find my books for less cost and order them, as well as grants me time to relax, clean, play my guitar (a lovely gift that I really like), make pretty thank you cards and keep an unsaid resolution to not be terrible in sending those this year (I have that one every year), and take care of my room and other things that I have not done and have not been able to do for awhile. I even like my school. I have nothing against learning (it's usually the tests I don't like), and I'm somewhat excited about my nutrition class. I think (hope) it'll be interesting without making me feel horrible for every candy I eat and every vegitable that I don't eat with my meals.

Yet, even though I like the comfortable country and home of Oklahoma, I appreciate my family and friends and church family, this is the time of year I seem to find myself wishing I could be on a tropical island. Specifically, one of six. I want to go to Hawai`i.

I long for a quiet day, the sun is bright and warm, the breeze is soft and cool, the ocean sings to me, and the hammok I lay in gently rocks me.

You may have noticed the title of my blog. Yes, it's Hawaiian. I want to learn the language, the dance, to be in the culture, to explore, and be amazed at the diversity of God's creation. Some day, I hope it's in God's will, I want to go to Hawai`i.

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