Saturday, January 27

Just a quick side note

What is it with college textbooks? First my music book, now my math book of all books. Why do they feel the need to put a picture of the statue of David in there? I suppose they want to share their "art", but no thanks. I don't want to see that. If I wanted to see a naked man, I think I'd get married. I feel doomed to have at least one picture of David every semester now. This is not a happy feeling. Last semester I gave David a square, white piece of thick paper. This semster I made him a barrel to be covered with. Granted, that's partly for humor, but honestly, I really do not want to see that picture.

Textbook writers, designers, and editors everywhere, Stop it!


  1. Well there is the whole 'most-famous-sculpture-in-world-history-ever' thing to be got over. I dunno - I've never really thought of it as pornographic myself, but perhaps this is from hanging out in Italy so long.

    On an unrelated point, why do you like Hawaii? Why not, say, Fiji or Jamaica or Des Moines?

  2. Have you ever been to Des Moines? I've been to Des Moines. It smells like a cowshed. That whole state does. Manure and corn, that's all Iowa offers the senses.

  3. lol, guys.
    Joel, I'm not ignoring your question, I think it's a good question. I'm working on a post to reply to it. First I've got to figure out the answer to your question.

  4. hey guys. sorry. I've been wanting to work on the post for Joel and another post waiting in the wings. I've been swamped by homework and Dazzlers, but mostly homework.

    I will get to it when I can.

  5. Well I'm certainly honoured by all the effort you're putting into this, Dot. Don't feel bad about the delay, I have six more books of Faerie Queen to go...
